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Mellotron M4000D Mini White Flightcase

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  • Mellotron M4000d Mini White Flightcase - Etui Clavier - Main picture
  • Ref : 33220
486,00 €
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  • Garantie 3 ans
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  • Apport initial:
    162 €
  • Mensualités:
    2 x 162 €
  • Montant financement:
    324 €
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    0 €
  • Montant total dù:
    324 €
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Etui clavier

Flight case pour pour transporter en tout sécurité le synthétiseur Mellotron M4000D Mini White.
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Fiche Technique

  • M4000D Mini Flightcase
  • 2x Strong butterfly catches on the front with loops for padlocks hold the lid closed (padlocks not supplied)
  • 1 x Techno handle on the front
  • Lidstay hinges on the rear hold the lid at just over 90 degrees
  • Ball corners
  • Foam lined throughout with handholes at the ends to help with removal for use
  • Internal size 808mm(L) x 330mm(W) x 77mm(H)
  • Approx external size 890mm(L) x 410mm(W) x160(H)
  • Weight Hex-Stucco-PVC versions approx 8kg
  • Weight Flite Panel approx 6.5kg

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